As I explained in the last blog YouTube SEO is done in two parts. Part-1 is content planning which we have discussed in the last blog. If you haven’t read that blog yet I am giving the link to that blog here, please read that blog. Link –

Now in this blog, we will explain the optimization of content while publishing the video to receive the best results for YouTube SEO. One needs to take care of the below-mentioned points to receive the best results.

Video Title

The video title and description should include the keywords that best describe it. When using Google search, the video name is often the first thing that appears in the listing. Including keywords in your title and description can help your video rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Your keyword choices in the title should be driven by the research which has been done while creating the content.

Video Description

In order to get the most views on YouTube, you have to optimize your video descriptions. The description is one of the main factors in determining if someone watches a video or not. People often skim through these descriptions and if it doesn’t interest them they skip over it and move on.

Important Note — YouTube allows you to use 3 hashtags that are seen along with your video. These hashtags also add value for ranking your video for those search terms. So these needed to add to your volume. The most important keywords should be used as hashtags.

In the above-mentioned example, three important keywords have been used as hashtags. Only the first 3 hashtags are shown along with the title.

Video Tags

The question of what tags to use when uploading your video can be a daunting task. There are many tags that you may need to use for your video content, depending on the type of video you are uploading. For example, if you are uploading a how-to video, then tagging it with “how-to” would be appropriate. In the same way, all the important keywords should be used as tags while uploading the video.

Video Thumbnail

Videos are a powerful content marketing tool that can help you reach a wider audience and communicate your message more effectively. They can help you establish authority, build trust, and increase conversions. The thumbnail image is the first thing people see when they come across your video on various social media platforms — it’s important to make it compelling enough to draw them in. Your thumbnail should interesting so it can draw viewers’ attention to click on the video. You are also advised to rename your thumbnail image to the video’s title.

These are the few things that you need to take care of while uploading your videos. If the above-mentioned points are followed along with great content, your channel will grow tremendously.

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