Influencer Marketing Trends - India

India is the largest online market in the world, after China, with over 560 million Internet users. With this, over 380 million are active social media users making the emerging $10 billion Influencer marketing industry favorable for India. As per the reports, more than 80% of Brand managers intend to allocate budget, and 72% of the businesses will increase their budget for influencer marketing in 2020.  


Trends in influencer marketing
  1. Focus on nano-influencers and micro-influencers
    About 56% of the brands’ objective is to create brand awareness through influencers. “Celebrity status” mega-influencers are less preferred as they require a more significant marketing investment. Nano and micro-influencers are becoming more appealing due to their niche focuses and better engagement with their target audience. Due to the personal engagement of influencers, the content created is honest and more appealing to the audience. Micro-influencers overtake top tier talent, and 61% of the consumers say they produce the most relatable content.
  2. Video Content
    Videos get 135% more organic reach than images, status, and link posts. Users get more engaged with live and dedicated videos rather than the descriptive content. Live videos of influencers engaging with the brand product provide the highest ROI. 40% of the consumers purchase the products which are used by the influencers as they attribute a trust factor
  3. Fake Followers
    India has 16 million fake followers, third-highest after US (49 million), and Brazil (27 million). The study estimates that Instagram fraud is costing companies at least $750 million in a market worth approximately $1.7 billion. Influencer marketing platforms are providing tools to check organic followers and execute the campaigns more effectively.
  4. Impact of COVID 19
    As the COVID 19 has struck globally, the usage of social media has increased significantly with higher consumption of content. Brands from the category such as auto, apparel, travel, and beauty are taking advantage of this situation by sketching brand image in the consumer’s mind through influencer marketing. Influencers are also included as the part to promote their CSR activities